Blockchain Payments Compliance Solutions

Written by
David Desjardins
June 5, 2024

Find out how P2P payments providers can use Shield3 to combine multiple subscription services into one. Shield3 combines offerings from services including data providers like Chainalysis and Forta, blockchain APIs like Infura and Alchemy into a single affordable subscription plan.


Using Shield3's user interface, anyone can keep track of transactions involving their addresses. Shield3 enables the following features to support monitoring efforts:

  • Viewing transaction details
  • Monitoring policy decisions
  • Visualizing networks interacted with
  • Customizing alerts


In addition to monitoring, Shield3 allows P2P payments providers to apply curated data into their transaction's decision making. Especially for compliance purposes, it's important to validate that their apps are not being used by bad actors. To tackle this issue, Shield3 comes with the ability to check if a transaction involves an address which is flagged by Chainalysis' OFAC sanction list, or flagged as a scammer by Forta. This is particularly useful when performing transactions involving an escrow.


A key part of maintaining compliance is reporting and record keeping. Through Shield3's user interface, P2P payment providers can easily export all of their transaction history to a CSV file. Additionally, Shield3 can screen all past transactions for addresses that may be considered bad actors, allowing payment providers to extract that data in just a few clicks.


Lastly, Shield3 gives access to a wide range of networks via RPC or WSS. Shield3 currently operates on the following networks:

  • Ethereum
  • Bitcoin
  • Optimism
  • Base
  • Celo
  • Polygon
  • Arbitrum
  • BNB Smart Chain
  • Sepolia
  • Polygon Amoy